Trying to Awaken
The doctors are working to achieve a formula to help Lori be on less sedation, but not be too agitated. This is NOT easy.
Dr. Cummings has scheduled an abdominal CT scan for Wednesday (white cell count is still too high at 20.3). The pulminary doctor will decide if she wants to include a lung CT scan in tomorrow's procedure.
Shorty and Patti
Dr. Cummings has scheduled an abdominal CT scan for Wednesday (white cell count is still too high at 20.3). The pulminary doctor will decide if she wants to include a lung CT scan in tomorrow's procedure.
Shorty and Patti
just letting you know--im keeping up with your progress--watching you diligently!
sending lots of love all the way across the country!
Hand in there guys this is so hard on all of you, but know that we are with you in spirit.
Jan & Walter
Sneeds: Tell Lori that I need her to come back to work and finish up "topic 9" - THAT should wake her up, though also may increase the agitation. ;) There is a huge void here without her constant cheer and laughter, not to mention all of the extra work (haha, just kidding). Please call me if I can help with anything - even if you just need someone to tidy up around the house or run errands.
Lori: I miss you so much! You've got the most wonderful family. No wonder you turned out to be such a fantastic, charismatic woman. Hurry up and get well enough to receive visitors so that I can tease you in person.
I'm going to paint you a giant ugly painting to hang in your recovery room so that you will get well out of spite! How about fuschia flowers, mustard colored hobbits with bad bleach jobs sitting in Plaza Fiesta, and a green camouflage background with gold glitter accents? perfect!
love you! miss you!!
Kim and I got to visit with Lori Tomisowski this Memorial weekend out at Horn Island. Didn't realize what a huge committment she is spending taking shifts and all. It was enlightening to hear first hand what "day to day" is really like. Wow. She is an awesome person to do that. Did you know she and Kim were roomates up in Jackson when I met Kim. Anyway, everytime I watch Robin Mead each morning on CNN headline news it makes me think of Lori, so wanted to check in. Continue doing what you are doing, the coast is watching. Andrew Meyers
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