Tuesday, May 16, 2006

She's a Fighter

5:25 p.m.

- Paulette, the nurse during this shift, said that in her whole career, she'd never seen such a fighter as LORI
- ENT Doctor is planning to perform the TRACHEOTOMY tomorrow, WED, at 11:30 a.m. Doctors feel that this is as good a time as any, and that Lori can tolerate it.
- TEMP is good
- Blood Pressure is good
- Breathing more easily, and still draining some fluid. Tube will remain for 2-3 days.
- Lori is receiving her first "food", other than liquids, through the G tube into her stomach

thank you thank you everybody



Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a fighter because she comes from such good stock. It's in her genes. Charlie Foxworth here, we have mobilized Southeast Texas with positive thoughts and prayers. I have been tuned in but could not really find words. But know that we are thinking of you and Lori and checking often for the updates. Love you.


5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Lori! You can do this, you're one of the strongest people I know! I am praying for all of you and checking in several times daily. Thank you so much for the updates, it's so important to all of us to know how you all are doing. Keep it up Lori, fight! You're on a lot of prayer lists here in Summerville, GA and we are sending you much love and support.
Sylvia-Lee Cordle Keziah

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise The Lord!!!! Nurse Paulette is certainly right--what a fighter Lore is.

Jan & Walter

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shine on Lori!

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Fighting Lori!
"Team Lisa" (Upstairs in the Bone-Marrow Transplant Unit)is cheering for you all the way, everyday!

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Lori is stronger I will tell her how she has been an inspiration to me over the last 3 years since I was injured. I never got back to her after I met her, even though she gave me her phone number and said maybe we could go to the movies when I was out of Shepherd, but you don't know how many times she crossed my mind as I was struggling with my new reality. She came into my room with a glow around her; it was unlike anything I had seen before. My friend said Lori was like an angel who appeared at just the right time. I will tell her this soon. Stay strong and know that there are lots of prayers being said for all of you.

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, you can pull through all this, you are a strong beautiful person and will fight to get back to your family and friends. We are all praying for you on the coast and for your family I send my prayers and love. You can do this.

gypsy g.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny, I hope you are printing these comments for Lori to read later. We shouldn't be surprised to see beautiful, inspiring words in support of Lori but I honestly have never seen anything like this outpouring of love and encouragement. Your extended family knows how special you all are but it's nice to know that everybody else knows too. Myra

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love you! Reading all of these kind messages and words of prayer are truly touching. You a such an inspiration and encouragment to so many. I told your mom recently you have given me great strength in my own life and i meant it when i said your are the best friend in the whole world...how lucky I am to know you and to have you and your family in my life.

You will get through this and I along with so many others will help you and your family through this. I look forward to lying on your bed (with all those remote controls!!!) laughing and talking like we so enjoy doing.

I love you, love you, love you - Karen

1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to all who know you. You always have that beautiful smile and the courage to persevere through all the trying times. We all admire you and your family for all their strength. Keep fighting and know all of us love you and are praying for you. Ann Ryan and Family

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! Get that food going so her strength will continue to improve. Nurse Paulette is right on the money, she will never find another as strong as miss Lori. Will anxiously wait to hear news after trach is performed. You can't imagine how appreciative everyone is that you are providing constant updates on Lori's condition. It just reiterates the selfless, thoughtful people you are. We love you and are forever thinking of you. JILL Thames

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori- Keep fighting, girl. You and your family are constantly in our prayers.

-Michael, Kay, Holden and Jack

1:37 PM  

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