Saturday, June 24, 2006


Lori was thrilled to see Shorty this morning, and vice versa, however she is just too weak and lacks the stamina to sustain herself for very long off the ventilator. Since she has had two good days on Thurs and Fri, we surmise that she needs the third day off to rest, so we are not pushing it. She was too weak to sit up and eat this morning or to stay off the vent for very long.

She is frustrated, bored and depressed about her situation and what she still has in store for herself at Shepherd where we are still planning on going on Monday. She will transfer to the Shepherd ICU, which is a step down from the higher level ICU at Northside, but she will still be in the ICU nonetheless. She is just too weak to begin rehab per se, but Shepherd will herd her off the vent and fix her pressure sores with some minor surgery (you remember that minor surgery is what they do on someone else!)

Still being suctioned a good bit today, but as Dad told her, the way he measures progress is by the number of bags and IV's hanging off all the "trees" and "poles" around the bed, and there are now only three, where at one time there were 17! She is no longer under isolation watch, so we no longer have to "suit up" to go in and see her.

Thanks to everyone for your love and support. Dad says that Mom is fabulous, and that he over married. She gets Mother of the Century now where she had previously won only Mother of the Decade.

The Sneed's


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been away a few days so didn't get to read blog. Everything sounds great little steps, then bigger, we get excited just reading the progress. If there is anything we can do please, please let us know. Of course, we continue to pray for Lori and all of you. We always knew Patti and Shorty were great parents, people and friends...they get People of the Decade in our book.

Tim and Lisa Holleman

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Y'all---sorry I haven't written in a while. We've been keeping up with the amazing progress but have been absorbed in our own dramas. Lori---I know you must be so proud of yourself but also going a little bit "crazy" that you still have so much to go through. I am so proud of you and thankful to God for how far you have come. I was there the first weekend you were in ICU and I can't wait to see you and how far you have come since then. Try to hang in there. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be. I'm starting to believe the old saying, "If it wasn't this it would just be something else". It is sort of helping me to get through the ongoing nightmare of post-katrina recovering down here. I don't know if it will help you or not but maybe if you just embrace your slow, long recovery as part of life and something that you are meant to will help with the difficult times. Sorry to ramble on...but I hope that this helps a little bit. We love you and miss you and Thank God every day that you have persevered and will be around for a long time to share Grandma week and other mutual memories. All our love, doug and jennifer

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It gets better and better everyday. So glad Shepherd is the plan for next week. We agree with the Hollemans with People of the Century, but agree with you, Shorty, that you 'over-married'! No, we love Mary too much to say that! You know thoughts and prayers are continuing.

Ann & Rod

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sneed's
We all agree that Patti is Mother of the Decade, but you all are the Family of the Decade. To see and feel the love that you all have for each other is just beautiful. You have always been special to us and always will be.
God be with all of you.

Love, Jan & Walter

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, no such thing as minor surgery when its being done to you. surgery is surgery. so it sounds like you have worn yourself out eating luke warm applesauce and brushing that silky hair of yours. Keep your spirits high Lori-cat...youve got so people thinking about you---all over the world. Going to Shepherd will be a nice change of scenery. Lets think of something you can look forward to....hmmm...what sounds good? I dont have much to offer but I would love to make a trip to hotlanta when u are up for visitors...anyway, think good thoughts and know that i adore you and thinking of you lots.


3:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just re-read the applesauce blog and realized that i have mis read it last do prefer chilled, not room temp/luke warm...i am so relieved...i didnt like imagining you eating luke warm applesauce. phew. i feel much better.

3:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, I'm excited about your "road trip" tomorrow and getting back to all of your buddies at Shepherd! They'll perk you up for sure. My love to you and to the rest of your "Super Family". I've ALWAYS known the Sneed family to be the greatest! :-)

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

although my vote is for "Family of the Century" for all three of you, i will agree that Patti is the most phenominal Mom i have ever met. She is ruly a role model for us all.

Patti, Shorty and Johnny, we continue to keep you in our prayers each morning.

Debbi & family

12:43 PM  

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