Thursday Afternoon
2:45 p.m.
- Belly full of fluid. doctors will drain and culture it. hopefully no infection.
- TRACHEOTOMY postponed till NEXT WEEK
- Waiting to speak to a hemotologist about her blood.
- Dr. Cummings joked that Lori is "recalcitrant." Shorty had to look that word up. Patti knew what it meant. I wasn't sure...we're learning alot. (uncle bubbly, Shorty said that even though Cummings went to Univ.of Tenn., he used a Vanderbilt word)
johnny, patti, and shorty
- Belly full of fluid. doctors will drain and culture it. hopefully no infection.
- TRACHEOTOMY postponed till NEXT WEEK
- Waiting to speak to a hemotologist about her blood.
- Dr. Cummings joked that Lori is "recalcitrant." Shorty had to look that word up. Patti knew what it meant. I wasn't sure...we're learning alot. (uncle bubbly, Shorty said that even though Cummings went to Univ.of Tenn., he used a Vanderbilt word)
johnny, patti, and shorty
Lori my prayers are with you. Your a fighter always have been. You were my friend in need at Sheperd 15 years ago now I'm behind 1000% Always my friend keep up the fight Darlin.
Love and prayers in Jesus name,
Todd Maness
recalcitrant \rih-KAL-sih-truhnt\, adjective:
Stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority or restraint.
I wonder where that trait came from? Myra
Chris Kelly here in Huntsville, AL. I was broken-hearted to hear about your newest challenge. I have nothing but the greatest memories of you and I am embarassed that I have not kept up with you over the years, since we graduated. I know that your spirit and positive outlook will guide your recovery. Know that I will pray daily for the power of the Lord Jesus to heal you and restore you to health. If there is anything else my family can do for you, please let us know. You are a rock to us all. Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Sneed you will all be in our prayers that you will have strength and peace that surpasses all understanding in this toughest of times.
With highest admiration, respect and love for your daughter,
The Kelly's: Chris, Pam, Audrey, Cade and Eli
Never underestimate the power of prayer and positive thinking. Optimism is an elixer that can cure any number of things as long as you have faith. We, here in Pensacola, are thinking of you with love and hope. Ruthie, Tommy and Suzy
We feel so helpless but for the ability to pray for ya'll. We do pray for ya'll and Lori daily. Sandra is devoting a LOT of time to prayer and Lori is on lots of prayer lists. We love ya'll and are thinking about you daily.
We love you, Trip and Sandra
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