Monday, November 13, 2006

Are you still there?????

It is so great to hear from all of you when you send messages to me!

I'm doing well and still "hanging in there". From time to time someone
drives me to Doctor's appointments or something more fun, like a movie.

I had to give back my "adopted baby cat" to his original "mother" because
he was a little too "spastic" for me, but I will miss his sweet side. (He had split personalities.:)
I'm in search of another "baby" to come along.:)

I'm thankful, but overwhelmed by your responses. I hope you can
understand that I can't reply to all of you individually right now.
so, I will keep posting updates from time to time.

Thank you so much for checking in on me and praying for me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, it is so great that you have gotten through all this with great spirit and with the love of everyone. You are a strong person. we all love you... gypsy

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt know you were still "blogging". im in atlanta and would love to come by. im thinking strong thoughts regarding regaining your full 20/20 but in the meantime im on the look out for a hot driver. call and let me know when i can come by and what i can bring! cant wait.

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to worry..... we will continue checking on you and keeping you in our prayers! I am so thankful for your updates and can feel your smiles and wonderful "Lori spirit"!

Watched Johnny with such pride!

My love to you, him, and to your Mom and Dad, Dianne

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to have news from you, we all certainly don't expect you to answer our notes, we are just greatful for this way of hearing from you. I surely makes our day!

Sorry to hear that the baby cat had to go back but it sounds like it was a good move. The right kind will come along.

Love to you,
Jan and Walter

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, So glad you are still blogging. It is a great way to track your progress. Saw Johnny on TV; reminded my family and friends to watch. Keep us posted on his next appearance. Sorry about the cat, but yu need a calm one to pet and purr.
Jeannie and I were glad to see your Mom last week. Can't wait to see Tana's pictures from her visit last weekend.

Keep improving and eat lots of turkey and dressing next weekend.

Love from the Gewins

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we're here.. checking on you. We'll always be here.


6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori....gotta keep checking in on ya girl and so glad to see your entry. We are still here and will not be going away, but it is like you are there for us, maybe not physically but definately spritually! We love you, never give up on yourself! Take care of yourself and keep in touch.....Mitch, Mary, Taylor and Lilly

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lori,

Your mother called yesterday and asked when would be a good time for you to come back and visit us at Northside. She also asked for a few particular nurses who were off yesterday, so I got their schedules for the next few days:
Rick is working 11/21, 11/22, 11/24, 11/27, 11/29, 12/2 and Cynthia is working 11/21, 11/22, 11/25, 11/27, 11/29, and 11/30. Paulette and Lauren are both here today and are extrememly happy to hear you're doing so well as was I. Let me know if I can do anything else for ya'.

Joe Wear
ICU nurse extern
Northside Hospital

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lori,

Glad to hear you are in such good spirits. You sound so good!!!

Cats can definitly be interesting and upredictable. I have had a few experiences myself. Hope you find another one better fitting for you.

Love to read your updates when you post them. I enjoyed watching Johnny too. I had never watched My Name Is Earl. Keep us posted on any upcoming roles.

Amanda Brown Bryant

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have so much to be thankful for this year! May you have lots of turkey with all the trimmings and be surrounded by the love of family and friends.
My love and Happy Thanksgiving to all tne Sneeds,

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a few minutes to access the website and headed to your blog. Glad to know you're home and looking for "sumpin purr-ty"

Prayers are still coming your way...from all over the world! I'm at the Dead Sea, Jordan this week, close to the Holy Land...and I'm mustering up all kinds of prayers for ya!

Love to "all of y'all"

12:53 PM  

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