Climbing Back Up
Doctor Report:
Dr. Cummings sees an upward trend.
- Everything is draining
- She is getting food through the stomach tube (which is better as is known to provide strength)
Pulmonolgist stated "She is better than yesterday"
- The platelets are stable
- The White Blood Count is better
- The oxygen output is 25% (which is the same air we breathe)
- Nurse Paulette is with her today :) (Lori seems to react well to her)
Thanks for all of your support....
good news today! that Lori is climbing back up!
Lori is in the prayers of the people for tomorrow's service at Resurrection.
sending good rebel vibes from oxford,ms.
Great news Mrs. Sneed. love, Karen
So glad to have some good news. We keep up with Lori every day and pray for her recovery and your strength. The neighborhood is very quiet and about 1/2 occupied. One house was demolished down the street toward the Benefield's house. But we know Lori is more important than anything Katrina did to us. Alison and I will coordinate the delivery of the furniture possibly June 3 weekend....the refinishers work on their own time schedule, as you know.
Thanks for keeping us updated...our prayers will be answered.
We are sooooo happy to hear encouraging news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thanks for the pick me up Lori!! Keep it up.
Danny M.
Patti - we have been out of town for a couple of days and couldn't wait to get back to check on "The Girl". So glad to see the news is a little better. Prayers are with you all everyday and you know there will be alot of them coming from St. Mark's tomorrow. God be with you.
Jan & Walter
Hey Y'all. I am really thinking of y'all right now. I love you and miss you. As always---call me if you need anything. Jennifer
Good to hear some positive news.............Love yall-
Faith & Tolar Welborn
I feel like playing the
"Rocky" theme song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please let Lori I am thinking of her. And wish her the best.
I'm friends with Lisa White, we went to high school together. But Lori and I were sorrority sisters at Ole Miss. She would have known me as Elizabeth McWhorter. What a small world! Please tell her I'm thinking about her and praying for a speedy recovery.
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