A sore subject
the plastic surgeon told lori that the sore on the ishiam will need surgery. hopefully it will be scheduled this coming week, so she can begin the additional 3 weeks of being in bed while the sore heals.
bed rest is the last thing that LORI wants right now, but the surgery is the best option for faster healing.
the sneeds
bed rest is the last thing that LORI wants right now, but the surgery is the best option for faster healing.
the sneeds
Dear Sneeds,
I sure hate to hear that Lori has to have more surgery but I know that this will help her get well and that is what we all want. We'll keep good thoughts and prayers going and maybe recovery won't take 3 weeks for the surgery.
Love to you all,
Jan & Walter
Even with anticipated surgery, Lori is obviously making strides everyday and we are all happy to hear it. We think about her often and keep her in our prayers.
Tim Holleman
Pebs- Great seeing you & Mama Patti on Thurs. and hope you are enjoying your "spa treats" & chip cookies you deserve them!& the world. You looked beautiful as always and still mangaged to be your upbeat laugy self after all youve been through- AMAZING!!! Sorry abt. the surgery for your sore but you can rest up after with that cool tv youve got in your room at least- lots of oprah and Sex in the City reruns!! Yall know to call when you need us. Love you bunches- Faith
Glad you got to see Angela - saw her at Elenas wedding and heard Karen was in town & Dana said she got a visit with you so sounds like youve been the social queen over the w-end- so glad youve had some good girly time!
well lori cat---i know u must be bummed about the recovery time of this surgery but it sounds like its the road we gotta take. I absolutely adore you and continue to think posiive thoughts for you. you just keep on keeping on---im coming home August 18th and I hope to get to see you then. what could I bring that you would look forward to?
so much love for you and your family!
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