Thursday, June 29, 2006

Catch up report

Patti was too tired yesterday to post. Johnny arrived from LA last night for some back-up. Shorty reports from the coast that Bancorp South had its official re-opening today and things went really well. He returns to atlanta this weekend.

This morning when we arrived, Lori was wide awake and talkative, sitting in a type of chair that allows her to lie flat or to sit up. AFter 2 hours, she was ready to get back in the bed. Feeling tired with a little nausea and a headache.

Pulmonologist plans to have her off the vent, and using the talking valve, during the day, then on the vent at night. Blood tests indicate she needs the ventilator a little more than she has been using it.

Strength and stamina for her lungs and body are 2 of the main issues. Lori wishes she were progressing at a faster pace, but we keep reminding her that she was sick for over 2 months before she was awake and aware of herself, and that she is doing amazingly well compared to April.

the sneeds


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Lori. It's so hard to trapped there in the hospital when I know you'd much rather be out and about as usual. I remember how I felt while I was as Shepherd; just rely on all those good people there and you will slowly get back to speed. I am still praying for you.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Lori. It's so hard to trapped there in the hospital when I know you'd much rather be out and about as usual. I remember how I felt while I was as Shepherd; just rely on all those good people there and you will slowly get back to speed. I am still praying for you.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sneeds,
We can truly understand Patti why you where tired yesterday. We know that it is that strong "Mother's Love" that is keeping you going like you have been, but some time or another the body just says I need a rest too and we don't want you getting sick. Things just sound soooo much better for Lori these days, and we know that she is bound to get a little impatient but everyday she wil get stronger.
You all are amazing people.
Love Jan & Walter

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, your tenacious spirit and determination makes me smile. It will all come back to you soon. Take care and God Bless you all.


5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, yes! Lori, its all relative, babe and you are doing remarkably well. Logging into your blogs is a hell of a lot more fun these days than it was a few weeks ago so just keep on keeping on and you'll be back soon. I'm going to have Carol Bud meet you at your house and put you on a program. Remember that woman that is crazy healthy???
So it sounds like rest and strength are your Im sending you lots of both!

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Great work..Keep it up!!( not shocked at your progress...can't keep a woman like you down!! )

keep on keepin on!

Joanie Dunlap Filippone

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. You are and amazing family and I know y'all will get through this. Keep up the good work Lori!

Bob, Susan, Sam, Mandy and Josh

5:34 PM  

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