Sunday, May 13, 2007


before i fill you in on the scoop...i want to tell you how great things are going with my artwork. i'll be posting more soon. it has taken on a life of itself--thanks to so many of you!!

okay...the big news is that my brother,who has made two pilots that did not get picked up by the networks, just made a thitd one that DID get picked up by FOX!!! since he will now be starring on a TV show...should he not quit using me for his attention and get his own site??! (just kidding, johnny, but you really should! :)

hope you are all doing well and happy motherss' day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read about his show this morning in an online trade and nearly freaked. This is truly so hard to acomplish and I know you must all be about to pop with joy! Next thing you know Johnny will be escorting you down the red carpet! We're so glad you are better and better, too. Take care..
With love from Burbank.
Kitty and Neil Stallings

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great, wonderful, fantastic....I am so happy that things are going so well. I looked at the cards and paintings and am going to order some. I will have to get imput from others, first. My daughter, audrey (age 10) is very intested in being an artist. maybe i can get her to meet you sometime. You can give her some tips. she had several pictures displayed from school at local art festivals this year.

again, glad things are well, no one deserves to shine more than you.

take care,
chris, pam, audrey , cade and eli kelly, huntsville, al

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really sounds like things are going well for the Sneed family. I am so happy.

Keep us posted on that big brother of yours, you know that he has a part of my heart as well as you.

I will be in touch about a painting that I want from you. we will be out of town for the next three weeks so I will get with you on it when I get back.

Take care, keep building up your strength.

Love, Jan and Walter

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori, Glad to hear about Johnny's news!!! Also, pleased to hear your art projects are selling well. We were out of pocket (a much needed vacation) for 16 days but are trying to get back in sync. Hope to see you soon. We'll be checking your blog often to keep up with your busy life.

Love ya lots, The Gewins

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lori!

great to hear your recovery is progressing well. Think about you much. Get to see your bro entirely too often... oops! I mean not enough! yeah! for real - very exciting about his show.

Lance krall and anna vocino (WWT alums) just had a show picked up on VH-1. Looks like 2007 is trying to make up for that awful 2006.

big hugs

rob poynter

1:57 PM  

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