Lori Sneed Blog

Monday, July 31, 2006

Tubes, leaks, and ice cream sandwiches

(johnny, here, typing) Patti said that except for a few things, today was ok. BUT, after I talked to LORI, she wanted to clarify that today actually sucked. The stomach feeding tube came out accidentally, there was leak from another tube, the bed sore bandage had to be changed (it was painful), and a nurse dropped a cell phone on Lori's head. So, to try to make herself feel better, Lori asked for an ice cream sandwich, buuuuut the ice cream machine was out of order.

To make up for all of that, Mom added a little Jack Daniels to Lori's protein shake that she had with Dinner.

Physical Therapy is working with Lori to make decisions about 2 new chairs - power and shower.

Still planning on surgery Friday to repair the sore on her back.

Daily, Lori continues to try to regain her strength and dexterity.

Patti really appreciates the help from Lori's friends in Atlanta.

thank you

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A sore subject

the plastic surgeon told lori that the sore on the ishiam will need surgery. hopefully it will be scheduled this coming week, so she can begin the additional 3 weeks of being in bed while the sore heals.

bed rest is the last thing that LORI wants right now, but the surgery is the best option for faster healing.

the sneeds

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

No More Isolation

Great News -- No more pseudomonas in the lungs so Lori no longer needs isolation (and we don't have to wear gowns and gloves).

Respiratory team aiming to lessen the number of times they suction fluids from her lungs through the trach.

OT and PT working with Lori to restore the movement and agility in her hands that she had previously.

Still using the adaptor to speak.

And, Lori's hair stylist came to Shepherd yesterday to wash, cut, and style her hair. Lori loved it.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


sorry for the lack of posts. We've all been scattered.

Johnny and Patti have arrived in Atlanta. Lori is doing well. We're all so excited that she's been off the ventilator. still treating the sores on her backside, and building up strength.

Lori and Johnny had a good time hanging out today. Lori got in a chair for a bit, and we rolled down the hall to read some of the cards people have sent.

Lori's Dentist came by to check on her teeth and to bring her flowers!!

Thankyou thankyou thankyou for all of your continued support.
the sneeds

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Encouraging News

Hey everyone this is Camille, Lori's cousin, and her Aunt Beth. We are here this week visiting/helping with Lori. Lori went into the ICU last night so the nurses could monitor her while she was off the respirator. When we went to see her this morning the doctor told us she did fine throughout the night without her respirator. This was very encouraging news because that means she is no longer dependent on the respirator. Every nurse that came by today was so pleased to see that Lori was breathing on her own. Lori is in good spirits and wants to talk to us so much but she just gets exhausted so easily.

Another constant battle for Lori is nausea. The good news is that she is hungry, but her stomach has shrunk so eating solids is difficult. The doctors say this is a common side effect for her situation.

Lori thanks everyone for sending her cards and pictures. She wants everyone to know she enjoys them and thanks you for keeping her in your prayers and thoughts.

Camille and Beth

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Report

We haven't been as diligent at posting as we were throughout the life or death ordeal. However, Shorty can see a great deal of improvement since he had not seen Lori for ten days until yesterday.

She sat up in a chair and went for an outdoor tour around the gardens at Shepherd. She does tire easily because of the breathing and lung situation. She is basically off the vent during the day and on it at night. She is still being suctioned and removing plugs of mucus from her lungs.
We have decided to alternate the trach voice plug, as there is one with and one without oxygen that affects the lungs. Without O2 the mucus dries and hardens making it difficult to get up and this tires Lori out so when talking and breathing. Thus, we are going to limit talking and visiting.
Had two nice visits from Coast folks yesterday, but she tired easily. Had a big mucus removal and breathing treatment late yesterday afternoon and was much better afterwards.

Progress is slow, but obvious. She must be able to sit up in her chair for six hours before she can even start rehab, thus she is still considered in acute care, rather than in rehab yet. Dad is guessing it will be another two to three weeks before rehab can begin. She still just needs strength as she has been down so long, and as a quad one just does not recover as rapidily as an able bodied person from sepsis. That's why they coined the word "patient" for someone in the hospital.

As always, all the Sneed's thank you for your prayers and support.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

TGIF (on Saturday)

Sorry, I wasn't able to post this on Friday.

The Respiratory Goals set for Lori require much hard work on everyone's part. The efforts to get off the ventilator are working though. To clear the congestion in her lungs, Lori is able to cough with asssistance, instead of being suctioned.

Everything takes energy, so, at the end of the day, Lori was very tired.

Shorty is back in town.
Johnny will be back next weekend.

thank you for all of your support.

the sneeds

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Paging Lori Sneed

Mornings are busy at Shepherd.
Getting nutrients at night. Disconnecting the feeding tube during the day. Still weaning off the ventilator. Still having to be suctioned several times a day.

Pressure Sores looking a little better. Hoping they will continue to heal and not need surgery.

Lori told mom this story. Lori was in her chair, outside of her room and started talking with someone. she moved from the spot where a therapist was supposed to meet her, and as Lori was talking, she heard over the intercom: "paging Lori Sneed...Paging Lori Sneed"

Nobody can keep up with Lori.
cards can be sent to:
Lori Sneed
Shepherd Center - Room 312
2020 Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30309

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sorry for the delay in posting.

Lori has had a pretty good day being off the vent -- less suctioning needed today (less congestion in the lungs).

Resting up for the rigors of the upcoming week.

LORI specifically wants to THANK all of you who have sent her a card. She really loves the part of the day when she can see them.

the sneeds

Friday, July 07, 2006

Training Days

- Lori got a new bed which seems to be better for her sores. Let's all keep hoping that she doesn't need surgery!
- Working hard to get off the Ventilator. She believes she's making progress because she can feel strain in some of the muscles she's using to breathe.
- Mom says Lori is looking better
- Each day is demanding. Lori is staying busy with OT, PT, speech therapy, etc.

thank you

the sneeds

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


After being examined by the plastic surgeon who saw lori when she entered Shepherd's ICU last week, lori found out that the two sores on her back have both improved, and with time, care, and good nutrition, she may be able to avoid having surgery. let's hope so!!!

The feeding through the stomach will continue for a while, but Lori is supplementing that by eating something at each meal.

Dr. Bilski says that he wants LORI to do 2 things:
1) increase the time that she off the ventilator (breathing on her own without help from the ventilator)
2) increase the time that she is in the wheel chair

the sneeds

Monday, July 03, 2006


Beginning of the second week at Shepherd is one in which assessments are continuing. Same routine - off the vent during the day and on at night. Talking valve goes in or out depending upon her strength and feelings.

Met twice with Dr. Leslie, her Prince Charming from 15 years ago, who is now Medical Director at Shepherd. He is very positive with Lori. Shorty spent the afternoon trying to explain to Lori what she has been through for the past almost 3 months. Understandably, she is having a hard time grasping how sick she was and far she has come. Progress is continuing v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. It is very emotionally draining on Lori and Patti, as care provider.

Lori has said she would like to receive cards at Shepherd. Address is:

Lori Sneed
Shepherd Center - Room 312
2020 Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30307

Continue to concentrate on breathing, pressure sores, weight gain and strength through nourishment.

Thanks for your continued support.

The Sneed's

The Sneed's

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Slow Progress Out of ICU

Still under isolation, but took her first ride out of her room today with Dad and Vivian, one of her attendants. Off the vent for almost 8 hours. Is off during the day and goes back on at night.

Her team is meeting early this week after making their assessments. She is still very weak and is emotionally spent in the afternoon and evenings. Eating tiny bits of regular food and still worried that she won't have as much function in her arms and hands as she had before, but we have tried to assure her that none of the previous surgeries or problems will have any effect on her spinal cord capabilities.

She is very bored and vocally regretful that she has had this problem and does not won't to deal with all this, but that is understandable, and we tell her that it's alright to feel like that, but that she has no idea how much she has been through to get where she is and how extremely proud all of her friends and family are of her.

Enough Psyc 101, suffice it to say that progress is slow, but happening. Johnny back to LA last night. Shortman back on Tuesday.

Thanks to you all.

The Sneed's

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Out of ICU

Big News: Yesterday they moved Lori out of ICU and into a private room. She is in the private room because of the Pseudomonas (not sure how long she will be quarantined).

The good news is that she has slept pretty well the last couple of nights which has helped her to have the strength to be OFF the vent all and using the talking valve.

She worries about her mental lapses, pressure sore, and being able to eat enough so the feeding tube can be decreased. However, we see progress everyday.

Thank you for all your prayers....